A review by emilyhei
Free Agent by Roz Lee


Todd Stevens has decided not to renew his contract with the Mustangs baseball team. He has been looking for a sub who he can spend his life with, but realizes it is not going to happen here and it is time to move on.

When a friend invites him to the D/s club, he goes but has no plans in playing, until he sees a sub who ignites something within. Fighting against his attraction, he can't believe what he is witnessing with the sub. When she apologizes at a later date, Todd decides he wants to spend time with her but with the knowledge that this is temporary only. As there time together continues to be everything Todd wanted in a sub, he realizes he has a difficult decision to make about his future and hers.

Exceptional read, I was blown away by Todd because he is walking that line of being a Dom only and not letting his feelings get involved. Highly entertaining.