A review by jillccox
Becoming by Michelle Obama


“Becoming requires equal parts patience and rigor. Becoming is never giving up on the idea that there’s more growing to be done.” -Michelle Obama

I don’t normally love memoirs, but this one was captivating. I was inspired as I learned more about Mrs. Obama’s childhood, her courtship with President Obama, their journey to the White House, and the work they did there. As a bit of a political junkie, it was especially interesting reading Becoming during an election year. I also gained a greater appreciation for who the Obamas are and what motivated their service. Mrs. Obama’s optimism, in spite of the divisiveness in our current society gave me a much-needed shot of optimism too. I did not expect to cry reading this book, but I did... tears of sorrow, joy, and hope. Whether you voted for Barack Obama or note or enjoy politics or not, Michelle Obamas story is inspiring.