A review by chillandreadblog
Light It Up by Nick Petrie


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“Light it up” is the third book in the Peter Ash Series and it is the first book in the series that I have read. However, it was not difficult for me to understand the main character, the book atmosphere or follow the story.

Peter Ash is a former Marin. He is back in the States now, but he is suffering from PTSD, meaning that he has such a nasty claustrophobia, he cannot stay inside four walls for as much as more than 20 minutes, without freaking out. Therefore he stays in the woods, rebuilding hiking trails in Oregon, along with a newly acquired friend, Henry, a veteran like himself. Henry’s daughter is running a security company which protects cash-rich cannabis entrepreneurs from modern-day highwaymen. So when her husband and his crew are gone missing on an assignment, Henry turns to help her and asks for Peter’s support. While the two friends are on an assignment, they get attacked probably by the same hijackers that attacked the other company vehicle. As gunshots start to fly around, Peter starts to wonder, is it worth it to risk his life for that money? He would however, risk everything for his friend’s life.

After cannabis legalization, a whole new legal business has been set up in the states. It is a way through for those working with it outside the law. Now they can make it legal and still keep growing and selling it. The only catch is that the business is not supported by the banking system, so all exchanges must be made in cash. This raises the need for a safekeeping place for all that cash, as well as guarding and security services. This is were new security businesses come up, however, at the same time there is a new opportunity for those that want to benefit without effort. Grab the cash and walk away.

The story is very well told. Amazing big screen scenes all over the book, while at the same time there is great character building. Peter Ash is a marine, but he is much more than that. He is a thinking person, one that has definitely been through a lot and he has learned to appreciate things and take nothing for granted. He is the honest guy, the one you can trust with your life, the person that would do anything for his mates. To keep them safe. To make sure the return home on their own, not in a box.

Apart from the fascinating story and plot, the action and the military part of the book, there are also other aspects of the hero layed out. He is a troubled person, as one would expect, based on his experiences and PTSD, but he is trying to become normal again and live his life like everyone else. The author gives a glimpse of his mind and as well as his feeling. He has met a woman in the previous book which he likes, so he puts an effort to be able to be with her like everyone else would.

Peter Ash is a character that is going to be around for a while and I would most definitely like to read more of Nick Petrie’s books!