A review by jovanas_cloud
Made You Up by Francesca Zappia


What you think is real in unreal and what is unreal is actually real. The detective/thriller part is was completely unnecessary, so that so it made me pissed because it sounded so silly. 8ball parts were boring and contributed nothing to the story. Also, at certain parts the author felt like using less words so there were random cuts where you're supposed to get some new and crucial information but instead you got a random cut and then mc telling us the so obvious information we were supposed to get from context clues. As a writer in such aspects you really shouldn't be cheap with words. The enemies to lovers wasn't really giving what it was supposed to give so the romance part felt really bland.

All in all, a lot of stuff was missing and a lot of work should have been put to make it better, but it's easy to read so you can finish it in a day or two.