A review by bethany6788
Lucky Girl by Irene Muchemi-Ndiritu


Lucky Girl follows Soila, a young girl in Kenya who wants to grow up and live her life the way she wants to. As a child, her father commits suicide and her mother raises her on her own with several aunts and her grandmother. When she is a teenager, she js molested by a priest, which gives her such guilt and fear. However, she makes a deal with him before he does this that he’ll help her get to America by convincing her mother it’s a good idea. We follow Soila as she moves to the US, goes to college, and meets friends, lovers, and coworkers.

I did not expect to be choked up so much reading this book! It started a little slowly for me but about 20% of the way in, I was completely hooked. It’s told in parts, and each one is significant in its own way. By part III, I was holding back tears. I kept forgetting how young she was in the book until her age was mentioned. Soila is a fierce character, with flaws, beautiful character traits, and an incredible story.

Definitely pick this one up! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.