A review by mehsi
A Beginner's Guide to Bear Spotting by Michelle Robinson


This is another one of those books that I really really wanted to read, and I finally had a chance at it today!

And now I can definitely say that this book is hilarious, fun, entertaining, and likes to break the fourth wall (and I just love, adore, fangirl over books like that). This book is all about bears, about spotting them in the wild, and oh yes, a kind of try to keep them separate and how to recognize them. Though that apparently isn't so easy as they make it at first. Black bears can also be brown, and brown bears can also be black. :D Not to talk about what to do if you spot them, or they spot you.

The solution at the end, and the actual ending were really funny and hilarious. I had to keep myself from laughing too hard (after all I was in public when I read this book, and while I don't mind laughing a bit, laughing too hard might just startle people too much). :D

Our main character, a fearless little boy will do whatever the storyteller does, landing in brilliant situations. I really liked him, and it was fun to see what he brought with him on the bear spotting.

The art is fantastic, I really love the style of it. It fits the book perfectly, making it seem like a real spotting book, but still with a hint of fun in it.
I also loved the limited edition print at the back of the book, really nice that was added to the book.

All in all, this is a brilliant, funny book and I would highly recommend it to everyone.

Review first posted at http://twirlingbookprincess.com/