A review by dubsington
Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture by Douglas Coupland


I don't quite remember how long ago it was that i first spent time with Andy, Dag and Claire. I assume it was some 15 years ago in the middle of high school. Considered by some to be a cultural touchstone and macro look at the mid 20 somethings of the nineties, i'm struck that reading the book both in high school (early 2000s) and now, the book has spoken to me each time.

The book is essentially Andy, Dag and Claire telling each other their own and other stories. Stories of fleeting moments, grandeur in small moments and thinly veiled, deep truths about one another

If you have any desire for plot in your fiction you'll need to give this one the miss, but if you like your pop-cultural philosophy set with a backdrop of 3 young kids just trying to figure it all out, this remains a must read.

While the technology has changed in the nearly 30 years since the book was written, readers will instantly recognize the searching, yearning and sincerity the characters display as they bump against one another.