A review by becsa
Treasured Moments by Kelly Cozzone, Aubree Lane, J.B. Yarbrough, Samantha Jacobey, Jami Brumfield, Nikki Lynn Barrett, Terri Hubbard Carle, R.E. Hargrave, Holly Barbo, Linda Lee Williams, Teri Riggs, Michele E. Gwynn, Cherime MacFarlane, Jayne Hyatt


This is a wonderful collaboration by 14 authors on certain "treasured moments". Each of these stories is unique and appeals to a large audience of readers.

1) A Moment in Time by Kelly Cozzone - A mother must decide between in doing what she wants to do and doing what her son would like. A heartbreaking struggle for a mother and definitely brought tears to my eyes.

2) Haunted Raine by R.E. Hargrave - When Lorraine and Richard's marriage begins to unravel they buy a place to fix-up. When weird things start happening Lorraine must confront her fear and a secret past in her family.

3) Coming Home by Teri Riggs - When Abby's husband, Ryan is killed in the line of duty as a Navy Seal, she puts her mourning on hold to be with his best friend Johnny who survived the blast. With things left unsaid between Abby and Ryan, she goes to the hospital and discovers things are not always how they appear.

4) 15 W.Gibson by Aubree Lane - When Bree's father dies she is cleaning out her parents house and finds love letters written between her parents when he is stationed in Guam. A beautiful love story!!

5) The Agent by Samantha Jacobey - This story discusses the relationship between Sam, a writer, and David, an agent. Sam is after someone who loves her books as much as she does and wants to work hard for her! A great story about being proud of what you do.

6) The Bench by Nikki Lynn Barrett - This is a book about second chances in life. Neil Jennings is a photographer who meets Miranda, at her bench. As she discusses missing her mom, Neil reminisces about his old girlfriend Amber. Then everything ties together in a way you won't imagine!

7) Summer Song by Linda Lee Williams - Mrs.Gorman is an elderly lady who reminisces about her past with the memory of a song. A sweet story!!

8) Crazy Love by Jayne Hyatt - Meg is guilty of stalking her boss Eric, as she sits outside his house trying to compose a love letter to him expressing how she feels about him. Is she going to go thru with giving him the letter??

9) The Treasured Legacy by Holly Barbo - When David's Grandma tells him stories of her past she asks him to please not sell any of her things. When David's wife takes some of the pieces in to be appraised after the Grandma's death, life as they know it begins to change.

10) Ghost Connection:Lost by Jami Brumfield - Cassie sees ghosts and when there is a murder, Cassie must help everyone and keep everyone safe! Really good story!!

11) Poppy by Cherime MacFarlane - When Emma is caught drinking and driving due to some devastating news about her past she must come to terms with what really happened and realize that sometimes what you hear is not always the truth.

12) Camael's Gift by Michele E. Gwynn - Hannah has just lost her son and in a moment of despair is saved by angel Camael. Camael is in trouble by his superior for showing himself to Hannah but when Hannah sees someone, Camael must protect her.

13) Life Storms by Terri Hubbard Carle - Carley Shelton has a crush on Chad and although she is prepared to act on her feelings, she has demons in her closet that she must confront. When there is a medical emergency in Carley's family she must confront those demons if she is able to move on.

14) The Tree House by J.B. Yarbrough - Izzy Willis is waiting for her baby brother to be born with her grandparents. When her brother is born he diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Izzy goes to her tree house to think and there she meets her new neighbor Gavin. As time goes on the tree house remains a very special place!!