A review by booksrbrainfood
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab


Addie LaRue is a remarkable character. What a spectacular book.
In The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, the protagonist is initially a young girl who then comes of age at a time in rural France where she is betrothed to a local young man. She is a dreamer who cannot imagine living and dying in the same little town where she was born. She has always dreamed of more, seeing the world, experiencing new things, loving who she chose. She bargains with a god of darkness and as is typical in such things, she should have read the fine print. Luc, her god, removes every trace of her and sends her on a long and challenging course to find what she really wants in life.
The characters and alternate timelines are very effective in this fantastical story. I enjoyed Addie’s story as well as the historic details of her lifetime.
My only critique is minor. I found some of the text repetitive and this was distracting at those times. Otherwise, I loved this story and flew through it.
Highly recommend this one as a kickoff to the new year.
4.5 stars