A review by dembury
Lobizona by Romina Garber, Romina Russell


This might just be the best YA book of 2020. It's the magic-packed, Latinx werewolf story I never knew I wanted but now am very invested in seeing where the story/series goes! The writing style is descriptive and engrossing, and Garber weaves such a rich world and mythology that is fascinating to see unfold and explored. Our main character, Manuela, is full of depth and life; seeing her deal with her family history, the threat of ICE and being deported, her place in both the human and magic worlds, and trying to coming to terms with who she is and her identity is a rewarding and multilayered story that really makes an impression.

I was especially impressed by the conversation Garber started about questioning the strict binaries of gender and sex with the lobizon/werewolf VS bruja/witch. In the world of the Septimus (the magic world here) all men are lobizons and all women are brujas. When that strict separation is proven false, it makes the Septimus have to begin to look at their outdated beliefs and social structures and consider the question of where someone who apparently doesn't fit in belongs - or if that person DOES belong and it's the systems that need changing.

Just because I'm now a little ways out of the target age range, it's been awhile since a YA story hit all the marks for me personally, but I totally loved "Lobizona". While there were a couple slightly weak moments (that big reveal with Fierro felt a bit out of left field), I still found myself completely falling into Manuela's world and being invested in the magic, the romance, the friendships- all of it!