A review by lgbtrepinbooks
How to Be Remy Cameron by Julian Winters


The amount of relating to a fictional character that occurred with this book! I loved existing in Remy’s mind and seeing myself in a young gay who can’t quite label who exactly they are!

Recommendation: 9/10

Trigger Warnings: Racism, Homophobia, Past minor characters' death, Alcoholism, Homophobic bullying, Sexual harassment, Racial fetishism, Drug use, depression

Representation: Gay, POC, Adoption

17-year-old Remy Cameron is a junior in high school. He is gay, black, and adopted. This YA novel tells the story of Remy’s journey in figuring out who he is after he is assigned an essay for class about identity. Remy struggles beyond his given labels and learns more about his past and present while figuring it out.