A review by urlphantomhive
The Last Donut Shop of the Apocalypse by Nina Post


3.5 Stars

Read all my reviews on http://urlphantomhive.booklikes.com

Like its predecessor, The Last Donut Shop of the Apocalypse is a lot of fun. Nothing complicated, but a fun bunch of characters, an absurd story and an urban fantasy that doesn't take itself too seriously. Two sisters, both Gorgons and owners of the two best Donut shops still standing in Pothole City, fight over a dispute, and Kelly, who now also happens to be the interim manager of Amenity Tower has to step in.

I won't write too much about it, for fear of spoiling the fun. But I found it a quick, fun and easy read, perfect to relax after a hard day's work.

Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!