A review by buttercupita
Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz


I was a huge Agatha Christie fan in my youth -- went on a tear of reading her books when I was in the middle grades, but then just stopped. This book threw me back into the joy of that world, and then layered the extra pleasure of a contemporary mystery around it.

Horowitz speaks directly to the reader about the experience s/he is having:

"You read and you read and you feel the pages slipping through your fingers until suddenly there are fewer in your right hand than there are in your left and you want to slow down but you still hurtle on towards a conclusion you can hardly bear to discover."

He so gets it (though clearly his description here does not acknowledge that many will read this book on a screen....), and then he just plays with the form in a delightful and perverse way. You are left in no doubt about his talent!