A review by lattelibrarian
Walking on Cowrie Shells: Stories by Nana Nkweti


Nkweti's collection of short stories is a moody, vivid creation of narratives, relationships, and discussion of the African diaspora. Like any collection, it is a mixed bag, but the two stories that stick out to me the most (as I have this terrible penchant for reviewing books nearly two months after I read them) is The Statistician's Wife and Rain Check at MomoCon, which are about wife-killing and an anime convention, respectively.

Culture, check.

Heritage, check.

Absolutely stunning writing, check.

At times I did struggle to grapple with the content, which for me is a good thing. It means I'm breaking out of my comfort zone and experiencing plenty of new lives and perspectives. This is a fantastic collection for that and one that I'll still be pondering for quite a while.