A review by nocto
Mapping the Edge by Sarah Dunant


I've not read any Sarah Dunant for ages. This one took me a while to get into. Then I loved it for a long time. Then I got a bit disappointed with the ending. That summarises it pretty well.

This is the Stella's story: her friend Anna goes missing on a trip to Italy and what we have as well as Stella coping with Anna's young daughter is two flights of Stella's imagination as she thinks about what could have happened to Anna. Figuring out the two parallel versions of what could have happened to Anna is what took me a while to get into in the beginning. The similarities and differences between the two stories made for a fabulous middle of the book. But just as I was wondering how on earth the book was going to conclude I was disappointed and I didn't really feel it all came together in the end.

A good read all the same and one that makes me want to seek out the other Dunants that I haven't read.