A review by belladonna_loves_to_read
One For Sorrow by Pippa DaCosta



Just in time for my birthday! A little Muse and Ryder vignette. Yay!

Actually, this is a Veil series collection of short stories that includes One For Sorrow, Alone Time, She Burns, and In Conversation With Akil.

I'm a big fan of The Veil series and was sad when it ended. So, for me, the star of this collection is One For Sorrow. We get a peek at Muse and what she's been up to since the conclusion of the series. And, naturally, she's still a demon slaying badass.

But, I was totally floored when I realized One For Sorrow was the perfect setup for a spin-off series! It looks like we haven't seen the last of this world after all. [b:Chaos Rises|26807726|Chaos Rises (Chaos, #1)|Pippa DaCosta|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|46833607], the first book in the spin-off series, Chaos, will be released in 2016! And I am absolutely giddy that I don't have to say goodbye to this world just yet.

One For Sorrow is an absolute must have for Veil fans. And, if you haven't read The Veil series yet, shame on you. Go grab your copy of [b:Beyond The Veil|26130854|Beyond The Veil (The Veil Series, #1)|Pippa DaCosta|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1440015983s/26130854.jpg|27286726] and get started. You won't be sorry.

The author provided a copy in exchange for an honest review.