A review by rockyraccoon90
King Maker by Audrey Grey

Aaaaand Iѓ??m out.

The first book was just okay.
The second book hooked me- it wasnѓ??t perfect, but it was leaps and bounds better than the first.
The third book made me want to tear my eyes out.

Itѓ??s the same thing over and over again. Haven making stupid choices. Archeron making stupid choices. A lot of talking about those stupid choices. And repeat.

I felt zero connection to Archeron from the beginning so the fact that that love arc was dragged out for 3 books kind of annoyed me. I get it, though, from a plot line perspective. But itѓ??s frustrating that itѓ??s popular to drag things out now into 4+ books. So much could have been removed from these books and really condensed and refined into 3 books max.

Mostly Havenѓ??s romping around like sheѓ??s some badass invincible demon slayer.