A review by rebecca_3
The Kane Chronicles Survival Guide by Rick Riordan


This book had a lot more information than I was expecting, more than the Percy Jackson one of similar design, [b:Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Ultimate Guide|6654104|Percy Jackson & the Olympians The Ultimate Guide|Mary-Jane Knight|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1360574678s/6654104.jpg|6848739]. It had some Egyptian legends, a timeline of the Pharaohs, and information on mummification and hieroglyphs, information that you wouldn't get just from reading the series. At least I don't think so. I've been immersed in the world of Camp Half-Blood for 13 books so I have absorbed a lot of the information naturally. The Kane Chronicles is only 3 books and maybe the information was there but I didn't absorb it all after a single read.