A review by golly_missmolly
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover


I both loved and hated this book. Firstly, yes it’s a HEA, though it doesn’t feel like it could be at about halfway through. Secondly, if you are like me and have a really hard time with emotionally stressful entertainment (reading, TV, movies etc) you will have a hard time with this book. I read for a little escapism, so i don’t particularly enjoy books that are just as stressful or emotionally tumultuous as my own life; that was this book.

While Maybe Someday was an absolutely beautiful read that i would recommend to certain friends of mine, it is not ever going to be a re-read for me like many others. I had to take a break about 4 hours in and read some lighter material. I almost DNF but stuck it out because i knew I’d obsess over how it ends, which i think is one of the hallmarks of a good book.

Maybe Someday was beautifully written, and the characters were fairly complex, as were their entanglements. I think this book sheds an important light on the aspect of living and loving that people tend to ignore or outright deny; nothing in life is black and white, right and wrong, everything is complicated and our hearts are no exception. Colleen Hoover did an excellent job expressing how even people who have been on the receiving end of a cheater, aren’t immune to the throes of emotional connection. I have always hated people who try to force everything in life into a box, cheaters are all wrong, you can only love this person until you love someone else, then you just pick your love out of one box and move it to another. I know for a fact humans are so much more complex than this, (see movie Crazy Stupid Love), and without bringing up the ‘are humans designed to be monogamous’ argument, i think this book is a much needed addition to the world of romance reading that offers far more complexity to the human condition than just “they met, they loved only each other and lived HEA.”

I am glad i read this book, and even more glad i stopped at the indicated moments and listened to the playlist as i went (highly recommend adding that aspect to your reading experience). I hope anyone reading this will go in with an open mind and heart, knowing its more than possible to love one person as much as you love someone else at the same time, (if it wasn’t, we wouldn’t have parents that loved all their children, siblings who love their brother/sister as much as they love their best friends, and the world would be a dark, boring place).