A review by alishmariet
Night School by Mari Mancusi


Plot: I had to read this after reading Blood Ties because it came in afterwards. I'm partly glad I read this, so I'm caught up with the series, but I also think I didn't need to read it. I felt that this installment wasn't the best out of the rest of the series. The plot was kind of made up on the spot. I could understand why Rayne should go to Riverdale, but it was weird how Sunny had to go to. Sunny isn't a vampire slayer, so why couldn't she just go to another private school or a public school in a foreign country? It seemed unnecessary for them to go to a school to go into hiding. Along with that, the romance between Corbin and Rayne was confusing. It seemed like they both had feelings for each other, but then Rayne mentions that it is because of feeding off of him. So, I wasn't sure whether or not Corbin feelings were true and why did she like him if she knew the reason to his behavior? Plus, I have to mention the fae names and world. It was cliche and I wish it was a little more mythical and not Disney-ish.

Characters: Rayne - She was the narrator for this installment. I do like her POV's because it's a little less slang oriented. However, her's has less romance in it this time around. She would mention Jared and Corbin, but it wasn't a priority for her, which made me doubt how strongly she felt for Jared. She said she loves him but it's hard to see when they're together. But, I do love how determined she is and that she thinks logically to get out of situations.

Sunny - When one twin is narrating, it seems like they're distant from the other twin, but yet they say they're close. Rayne doesn't have a clue what's going on with Sunny and I didn't like Sunny a lot of times in here. She was whiny or confused; it was hard to find her likable.

Cover: The girl is perfect for Rayne. It has her blue eyes and dark hair. It's very simple, but pretty. I love the new covers for this series.

Overall Rating: I have to give this book a two out of four. I didn't like this installment and couldn't get into it. I'm hoping that the seventh one will involve more romance and drama like they usually do. This one wasn't the best and since I read Blood Ties and then read this, I didn't really need to read this. I do love this series and will continue, but I wasn't happy this book at all.

Peace and Fangs,