A review by iluxan
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2007 by Tim Folger, Richard Preston


So many great stories. Some highlights:

"The Rape of Appalachia" - mind-opening article about the atrocities being done by the strip-mining corporations in our own East-coast back yard.

"In the Company of Bears" - a heart-felt and deeply personal account on one man's journey to get closer to nature - the wild nature outside and his own wild nature within.

"Plastic Ocean" - another moving article about the effect of our boundless production of plastic goods on our environment (both the oceans as well as our own biology). I've read many such pieces, but this was one of the most moving and far-reaching accounts of the various detrimental ways that plastics affect our environment in ways that nothing else ever has before. "Except for the small amount that's been incinerated - and it's a very small amount - every bit of plastic ever made still exists."

"How to Get a Nuclear Bomb" - a fascinating if somewhat meandering and over-romanticized account of the realities of nuclear material security around the world, concentrating on the former USSR.

"Delusions of Space Enthusiasts" - a well-argued tale of space exploration so far and what it took to get us here. An informative and "realistic" view the author takes of the current overly-optimistic private space industry mini-boom.

"Cooking for Eggheads" - fascinating foray into the chemical underpinnings of various aspects of cooking.

Need I go on?