A review by frances_ab
Miss Marjoribanks by Margaret Oliphant


This was a delightful read by Mrs. Oliphant, a new-to-me author. Lucilla Marjoribanks, in her late teens at the outset of this novel set in the small town of Carlingford, comes home to care for her dear papa on the death of her mother, and to bring new life to local society. Her poor dear papa doesn't exactly need looking after, and society has been managing fairly well on its own up until this point, but Lucilla does indeed bring talents that no one realized were lacking, and society is soon transformed.

This gently humorous look at genteel society, of what can be accomplished by a strong-minded and persuasive young woman, and what limitations restrict her sphere of activity was a very enjoyable read, and Mrs Oliphant has a deft touch with a comical turn of phrase.