A review by _valorie_
Cruel Control by Candace Wondrak


It was a mid read. There really wasn't much going on and I felt like it was boring and dragged out. At times, I wanted to drop the book. Its one of those books where you don't know what to read so you just pick something random. I did like the writing though and I feel like the plot had a lot of potential. I feel like if there was more going on and it wasn't so dragged out, I would have enjoyed this a lot more. Also, none of the questions were answered in this book like I started out with nothing and I finished with nothing. We already knew everyone in that house was psychotic so that revelation really wasn't anything to the reader like it was to Juliet. It just felt like to the me like the author just wanted us to buy the next book to see what's happening, it seemed like a money ploy. This book wasn't very long either so the second book I think could have been included in this one as well so the reader actually felt like there was something going on. Unless the second book doesn't have anything either.

Overall I got to say I was dissapointed, I expected more.