A review by minniequinnie
Harrow County: Family Tree by Cullen Bunn


Not my favorite in this series so far. Although it did answer question's I had in previous volumes I just felt like something fell flat. At the start of the story Emmy finds herself helping Bernice find Clinton who has been missing most of the day. As it's getting dark Emmy and Bernice wander into the corn field where his footsteps lead. Unfortunately something much more sinister is waiting inside. After finding Clinton, Emmy is shown that she is truly not alone. Emmy is then introduced to her "family", a supernatural group who wander the earth each doing a specific task. It seems that Hester has always created a bit of a stir and you find out why she was cast out of this "family". It was interesting to see other character's similar to Emmy but this volume I felt myself trudging through. In the end we find Emmy where she is meant to be and we realize there are far more danger's to Emmy than just the Haunts in her hometown.