A review by andypeloquinauthor
The Defenders of Blackspire Abbey by Michael Panush


I REALLY wanted to like this book! After all, who doesn't love a "heroic last stand" type of novel, especially one about the Vikings? Sadly, it was a bit of a disappointment.
In terms of the writing quality, the book had a lot of problems. Grammar and syntax was off, and adverbs were way over-used. It was plagued by passive constructions, improper sentences, and more nitty gritty problems that made my "perfectionist" mind struggle to keep reading.
I also found the story line a bit hard to swallow. Don't get me wrong: Viking Frankenstein taking on a demon-worshipping heretic--no problem! It was all the small character interactions, the way they talked to each other as if old friends, and the sequence of events that really threw me off. I like my fantasy to be as "realistic" as possible, and this lacked the realism that makes it possible for us fiction lovers to swallow a fantastical story.
The dialogue felt stunted and off, and characters spoke more like the narrator than like themselves. The action scenes were…lacking. As a man who loves a good fight scene, I was disappointed to say the least.
Where the writer excelled was at developing the character of Egil. The inner narrative was solid and gave a good look at the man--flaws, strengths, weaknesses, and all. The world in the book was fascinating and well-described. The characters (the fighting nun, the Jewish boy priest, and the curious jester fellow) were absolutely intriguing, but I felt the story didn't do them justice.
Great concept and interesting characters, but a "hit and miss" overall.