A review by tommlachance
Memetic by James Tynion IV


I don't know why, but there are certain types of books and movies and things that make my right knee go berserk. It is hard to describe the feeling exactly; it's like all my tendons or ligaments are laces in a skate on the final pull right before you tie them up. Really taut, uncomfortably tight. It is always accompanied by the uncontrollable urge to extend and retract my leg, and it is never felt in my left knee.

Most often, triggering stories include scenes or detailed descriptions of drug use, but there are other things (certain kinds of body horror, for example) that can set it off. Describing the feeling actually induces it too, it turns out. Anything that makes me squirm, I guess, anything that provokes a particular kind of discomfort; I feel it all in my right knee.