A review by kailey_luminouslibro
Lionboy by Zizou Corder


Charlie's parents are kidnapped, and Charlie goes searching for them, traveling with a circus, and becoming the LionBoy for a lion act. But the lion tamer doesn't know that Charlie can talk to cats! Charlie and his lion friends decide to escape the circus and strike out on their own to find his parents.

What a fun book! Just a romping, rollicking adventure story with lots of layers to it. I read this book all in one day; it's an easy read and really captured my attention. The plot even surprised me a few times!

I love Charlie's character! His emotional ups and downs are perfectly timed to the pace of the plot, and give us a feel for his humanity, making him an interesting and endearing character.
I loved Charlie's parents right away too; such a quirky family with their own little language!
Even the villains are superbly written- creepy and petty and spiteful and sly. Just brilliant!

I was completely fascinated by the lions and all the circus people. I have never never heard a circus described in such an entrancing way. I felt like I was there, watching a real circus act. I actually laughed at the clowns... and I hate clowns! Especially reading about clowns... that's totally different from seeing them. Reading about clowns is not funny; it's just annoying. What kind of enchanting writing could actually make me laugh at clowns?!? I've been bewitched! haha!
I can see why the writing style (not the subject material) is compared to J.K. Rowling. It really sucks you into this other world and makes it real for you.

My only complaint about this book is that some of the plot developments are a bit too fantastical and coincidental to be believable. Granted, it's a book about a boy who speaks cat-language, but still... That made it a 4-star book for me, instead of the 5-stars I might have given it.

Can't wait to read the rest of this trilogy!

Update: Reading it for the second time is just as good! Loved it again!