A review by emilyyyytug
Murder at the Mansion: A Victorian Village Mystery by Sheila Connolly



I wanted to like this. But Kate was a bore and kind of looked down at her closest friend's life. 

And the bullying was kind of unbelievable. In the way that, I just don't buy that no one would have just told Cordelia to eff off. She had no power over anyone except for that one guy.
that one guy she was blackmailing and helped her steal the letter and embezzle

So there was no reason for people to react the way they did around her. 

Spoiler for who killed Cordelia:
it was the librarian who was so mad about Cordelia teasing her for being single and librarian. Which was true.... and librarian was doing nothing to change her life, and her life wasn't bad to begin with. 

I also didn't care for the professor guy. Literally every other side character was more interesting. Lisabeth, the detective, Nell and her FBI bf, and the grad student. Even the lawyer ex was more interesting than the professor. The professor was like a piece of cardboard comparatively. 

ALSO Kate seriously says at one point that she doesn't know much about the civil war but all wars are tragic. ??? That line should have been cut.