A review by betwixt_the_pages
The Voyant and The Mark of Malice by Sadie Hewitt


Rating: 4.5/5 Penguins (rounded down)
Quick Reasons: snarky, sassy, witty Aladdin retelling; entertaining, headstrong characters; enemies to lovers deliciousness; unexpected twist ending; enjoyable read

HUGE thanks to Sadie Hewitt for the title! My review is voluntarily written and in no way altered or impacted by this gesture.

"Were those the two souls that called us to this ship?" he asked, pointing his cutlass toward the bo'sun at Rahmi's feet. "Because you could have said something before I killed him."

"Don't be ridiculous, Alaric. Did he look like he was dying before you stuck your blade into him?"

I am duty and honor bound to tell y'all that this was one of my most anticipated releases for 2024, and I am SO glad to have been given the chance to read this one! It's a tale filled with adventure, misfortune, drama and intrigue. I am a sucker for pirate tales, and the fact that this one is ALSO a retelling of Aladdin only sweetened the pot for this Penguin reader.

The characters are believable and entertaining. As with the first book, Sadie Hewitt laced her prose with vivid descriptions and snarky retorts. The enemies to lovers trope was well used, filling the story with tension. I had a slightly harder time connecting with these characters than I did with Devlin and Fenna.... but still found myself wanting to knock some sense into Rahmi multiple times during this read.

Kalia shook her head. "I don't have friends. People are only there to betray you in the end."

Reshef didn't miss a beat. "Mmm, deep. But, alas, you aren't an island. You don't need to be alone."

I definitely recommend this to lovers of cursed pirate ships, the Aladdin tales, and fiery characters just as likely to kiss you as they are stab you. The waves of change are set in motion, Penguins, and I cannot wait to see where the next installment in this series will lead us. Are you ready?