A review by nini23
The Book of Jhereg by Steven Brust


I've finished Jhereg and don't really feel any inclination to continue with the other 2 books. Vlad Taltos, as far as I can determine, is an assassin working for a mafia-like organization. He has a familiar Loiosh, a jhereg, which could have been really interesting but Loiosh speaks and behaves like a human mafia side-kick. They don't have a meaningful relationship. The initial jhereg summoning and cracking of the egg scenes really ratcheted up expectations though.

All the problems and mysteries are solved by Vlad thinking about it and explaining the answer to everybody after saving the world. It reminded me bizarrely of Hercule Poirot. The dragons (and phoenixes) with their reincarnation and insistence on their word/honour seem to be an amateur parody of eastern ideas.

This came recommended by fellow fantasy lovers and I came away disappointed both by the writing and the world-building.