A review by raiuga
Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life by Jon Lee Anderson


Doesn't provide a political bias. It merely tells and analyses the story of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara. The most interesting parts are his upbringing. We all know about the revolutionary Che, but this sheds light on him growing up for the first 350 pages. We learn how his family dealt with his severe asthma, his outbursts. It's fascinating to see such a powerful man plagued by something like asthma.

His time with Alberto Granado and their motorcycle-induced travelling across South America makes for some great and hilarious stories. In fact, this entire book brings the human side to Che. He was a funny, constantly on-edge individual. Always ready to have an opinion.

This is essential reading for anyone wanting to learn about Che himself or even South America.