A review by dllh
The Best American Short Stories 2018 by Heidi Pitlor, Roxane Gay


I like this series of anthologies generally and was keen to read one edited by Roxane Gay, since I had read a couple of her books last year. I found the collection pretty uneven, though. I don't recall any stories that I felt overwhelmingly positive about (in other words, none inspired a "wow" from me), and there were several that I felt very meh about and a couple that I was surprised were published in respectable magazines much less collected in a "best" anthology. I did dog-ear a few as worthwhile:

* "Los Angeles" by Emma Cline
* "Boys Go to Jupiter" by Danielle Evans
* "A History of China" by Carolyn Ferrell
* "A Big True" by Dina Nayeri
* "Items Awaiting Protective Enclosure" by Tea Obreht