A review by bookdeviant
Rivers of Fire by Patrick Carman


See more of my reviews at my blog the Book Deviant
After reading The House of Power, and mentally comparing what I remembered of the first from my first read to my thoughts for the second read, I could easily tell you that I wasn't expecting much more in this second installment. While the first was an enjoyable, middle grade story, that's all that it was. I liked it, I liked the characters, but I wasn't blown away, and I wasn't desperate to read Rivers of Fire immediately afterwards. Maybe that affected my feelings towards this book, but, being blunt, I just don't think this book was necessary to the overall story.

Let me explain. Rivers of Fire picks up immediately where The House of Power ends, so it really just felt like a continuation of the first rather than a separate book. The only thing that told me it was another book in my head was that I had to wait for my hold to come in at the local library. And that's not a bad thing! I've read plenty of books that pick up right where the first ended and still make it seem like the next book in the series, rather than an unnecessary wait. The part that I didn't like was that it was only a continuation of The House of Power and introduced really nothing new. There were a few surprises and new characters were introduced but really? Nothing blew me out of the water. Nothing was really eye catching.

It also just felt that Carman was searching for things the characters to do. At one point, he separates a few of the characters, leaving a few to wander around Atherton while the rest of the group actively struggles through something that was unnecessarily dangerous. So, as readers, we're going back and forth, from mundane wandering and random helpfulness to other characters, to life-threatening danger that was never really explained in the first place. The only explanation we got for these dangers were just unsatisfactory and annoying as well, leaving me to sit and wait for the part to end rather then giving an explanation and making me sit up and take notice.

Final Rating: ★★★☆☆
The book wasn't bad. Just badly planned. I liked the characters, still, and the few twists and surprises that were included made the story enjoyable. But compared to the first, Rivers of Fire just couldn't live up to it's counterpart. The House of Power had the advantage of novelty and surprise, and Carman tried using those in Rivers of Fire as well, but they don't work quite as well for a second book as they do a first.

Would I Recommend?
Well, sure, if you enjoyed the first. I just personally didn't enjoy this one as much as the first. However, I would suggest reading the third one after this, even if you didn't like this one. I think reading this one is worth it for the larger picture.