A review by savaging
How to Blow Up a Pipeline by Andreas Malm


I don't know if this book will convince anyone to commit acts of sabotage in defense of the earth and all the beings thereon (for one thing, Malm doesn't give a single hint about how to actually blow up a pipeline. Come on!). But it might help prepare readers to not turn their backs on those who are brave enough to risk it.

(Is that the sort of thing I can just write in a public Goodreads review?)

The writing's a little rough. Sometimes I wondered: do I not know how to read sentences or does this author not know how to write them? Some sections didn't seem necessary, though I appreciate that Malm reads and refutes Jonathan Franzen and Lierre Keith so I don't have to. Some arguments seem to wander.

But at a time when governments are so eager to plop the label 'terrorism' on even the tamest acts of civil disobedience in defense of ecosystems, this book might be a helpful reorientation.