A review by oncemorewithreading
Always a Bridesmaid by Cindi Madsen


Always a Bridesmaid is the second book in Getting Hitched in Dixie series but can be read as a standalone which is what I did. I never once felt like I missing information or plot points from not reading Just One of The Groomsmen but I can assure you that I’m going to be picking it up very soon because I absolutely adored this group of friends and these main characters.

Violet is an incredibly likeable character who is easy to relate to. She’s been hurt but she’s still so strong and stands up for what she believes in. I also really liked Ford and how hard he tries to prove that he isn’t like the rest of his family. He works hard and is so caring that he honestly screams ‘perfect man’, at least for me! However, lets be honest that real shining star of this novel was Trouble. That German Shephard stole the show and I couldn’t help but smile when he was in the scene.

This was a super cute, steamy and romantic book that I would definitely recommend if you’re a fan of banter, adventure and friendships. This was my first Cindi Madsen book and it will not be my last. Always a Bridesmaid was a well written and fun read that I already want to read the next book in this series (as well as Just One of The Groomsmen).

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.