A review by rhianna_reads
Don't Go Stealing My Heart by Kelly Siskind


.~*5 STARS*~.

I'm having a hard time thinking straight, like DAMN. So sorry in advance if this review is biased, but on the other hand aren't most reviews biased? Never mind moving on to this masterpiece.

~~~~~~~Blurb in my Own Words~~~~~~~~~~~~

Clementine is an all time Con-woman. After growing up through the in's and out's of foster care and an unknown future; whether that future was what she would be when she grew up or when her next meal was. Until she finds her place in a nice mans care, fed every morning and every night. But not everything can be a walk in the park. Her care giver Lucien is a selfless man as it seems who goes through with robbery's. The catch? The money goes to foster homes, and places that need the money. Clementine needing the shelter and care she always ached for agrees to be his "side kick".

Next Mission? Steal the priceless Van Gogh.

#1 Rule? Don't fall for your victim.

Looks like Clementine is cutting it close to being a rule breaker after being sent to this unknown town where the worlds hottest guy lives. Sparking up interest in a hot guy is not something that happens everyday so when you have the chance you take it. But when she realizes this hot, charming, funny man is the guy who is quote on quote ruthless and filthy rich is her mark, the choice is way harder then one would imagine.

Lucien is the one person who has made her feel safe and loved growing up, so letting him down isn't an option, but when a man rocks your world *and the stage ;) * it gets a lot more complicated then busting an alarm system and stealing jewelry.

Clementine now asks herself : How far are you willing to go to be loved?


This book is great for anyone who LOVES a beautiful romance, with real world problems, and dare I say Elvis Presley!

11/10 recommend!

*Huge thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me 'Don't Go Stealing My Heart' for free in exchange for an honest review*