A review by elliefufu
Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione


Lethal Rider, Lords of Deliverance #3, by Larissa Ione
Grade: B+

“You have no say over who I have in my bedroom. If I want to invite the entire Miami Dolphins team into my bed and have a big orgy while covered in chocolate sauce, you have no say in that whatsoever.”
“My house, my rules. No chocolate NFL orgies in my keep.”

Lethal Rider picks up roughly eight months after Immortal Rider ended. Thanatos, also known as Death, is one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse and has been frozen for months by his brother and sister. Thanatos always thought his seal, the one if broken would trigger the Apocalypse, was his virginity but that was proven wrong after one night of passion with the sexy Aegis Guardian Regan Cooper. It’s been months since but Thanatos hasn’t forgotten and he will stop at nothing to get revenge on the sexy Guardian who has haunted him since that night.

Regan Cooper should have been killed as a baby for being half demon but the Aegis took her in and raised her giving her the only family and life she’s ever known. When the Aegis asks her to seduce Thanatos and get pregnant with his child to save the world she does what has to be done. Now eight months pregnant, Thanatos has come for her and is shocked to find her pregnant with his child. The spark between the two is still there and grows strong the longer they’re together. The life they have created could be the key to their future but it’s up them if it’s the beginning or the end.

To say that I liked this book is like saying chocolate is just okay. Lethal Rider is my favorite of the Lords of Deliverance series so far and Thanatos is going on my all time favorite book boyfriend list. With that being said I was very hesitant to start this book because of my feelings about Regan coming off Immortal Rider. Regan was very annoying and I was not happy about having to read four hundred pages about her but she slowly redeemed herself in this book and I found myself actually liking her by the end.

There is a lot going on in Lethal Rider as the fate of the world rests with Thanatos and Regan’s unborn child. It seems that everyone, even Thanatos usually faithful servants, want the child dead and the Apocalypse to begin and no one can be trusted. As Than and Regan fight to save their child the more they realize they need one another. I always love stories where the woman is pregnant and I think that really helped me like Regan and Than together. I find few things more beautiful then a man being excited to be a father and stopping at nothing to save his family.

What I love so much about Larissa Ione is that you never know what to expect with each book except the return of some gorgeous Sem brothers. I love Shade and Wraith so much and always get excited when they make an appearance. I love how this book ended and is true Larissa Ione fashion I am now left with just as many questions as I started with. Add in my growing excitement and anticipation about Reaver (Who is he? Will he remember his past?) with the fact that I have no idea what’s going to happen with Reseph I might drive myself crazy waiting for Rogue Rider.

Larissa Ione is one of my favorite paranormal romance authors and each book just gets better and better. I am so happy with Lethal Rider and it was everything I wanted and even things I didn’t know I wanted. I am actually planning on rereading this book just to hold me over because Rogue Rider and November are very far away.