A review by blogginboutbooks
As You Wish by Chelsea Sedoti


The premise behind AS YOU WISH is simple. Deceptively so. In fact, the novel asks some very profound questions, which leads the story down interesting paths. I thought a lot about this book while I read it; as a matter of fact, I'm still wondering, "If I could be granted one wish from the magical Madison cave, what would it be?"

Although Eldon isn't the most likable character, I found him to be an entertaining narrator. He does experience growth throughout the novel, but there are times when he's just a plain ole jerk. Still, his voice is appealing and his story is compelling. Even though I could see where the tale was going, I still read AS YOU WISH fast and furious to see what would happen next. Although there were definitely parts of the story I found confusing (the rules of wishing, for example, aren't always consistent), overall I really liked this book. It's an entertaining, thought-provoking novel and I enjoyed reading it.