A review by ssejig
Mad About the Major by Elizabeth Boyle


For all that this was a novella, it was pretty well developed. It helps that it is a familiar theme.
Lady Arabella Tremont, duke's daughter, is trying to avoid an arranged marriage to a duke's heir, Somersale. While at the most notorious ball of the season (there's always at least ONE scandal), Arabella nearly becomes the scandal when a stranger walks her into the garden.
Major Kingsley has only recently returned to England after traveling Europe, even after the war ended. When he first meets Arabella, he is led to believe she is a notorious widow. But he soon discovers that is not the case, she is in fact a highborn lady. Which makes it even more surprising when he picks her up the next day, running away from home. To atone for his his behavior the night before, she makes him promise three boons...
Again, a very short story and a fun-and-fluffy read, but not bad.