A review by leighannsherwin
Heart Full of Lies by Ann Rule


This was a disappointment for me. Usually I sit down to read an Ann Rule book and devour it. This time I just couldn't get into it. I skimmed along and read when it got interesting, but it just didn't have the same feel that her books usually do. Our criminal is a woman named Lisa, spelled Liysa in order to drive spell check crazy and because she thought it was more exotic. As someone with an odd spelling in my own name this is dumb but whatever. Liysa is crazy, that much came across. I got a Jodi Arias Diane Downs vibe from her, a photographer who writes pages upon pages in diaries. Liysa married three times and was never without a man. She even faked amnesia to get out of a relationship. Her third husband Chris is a pilot with Hawaiian airlines, though he is painted as a great guy, I'm sure he probably snapped on her a few times whether he hit her or not I'm not sure. But personally I bruise so easily that someone could look at my legs or arms and say I was abused. Liysa and Chris and their son ho camping and Chris is found dead in a sleeping bag. Liysa claims he beat the crap out of her but has only a black eye and some scrapes on her knee. She is also soaking wet despite an hours long drive in a car with the heater on. She says her husband took drugs and drank a lot which is next to impossible for a pilot who was also a training pilot to pull off if you ask me. All I can say is she got off lightly for this crime. If it went down as she said, she would've had to have been a better shot than an army sniper to have randomly shot in the dark and hit him right in the temple. Needless to say she got off lightly for her crimes, and is married again and living free. But still this book wasn't as good as other books of here's I've read, but every author has a dud or two in their career.