A review by librarycutie
29 Dates by Melissa de la Cruz


alright so, i had a lot of problems with this book, but it ended in a really cute and cheesy way so that’s why it’s bumped to 3 stars.

first, it was a whole lot of cringe! i think the idea behind it was cute, but i didn’t like that it was told in this way. i went into this story expecting a really cute contemporary that would flow really nicely because Melissa De La Cruz is a popular author, but this is my first book i’ve read by her and... i’m not impressed. the main character was very annoying to me, she was judgmental and yeah!

i love kdramas, so much, and i thought this would be similar to that but it definitely wasn’t, it didn’t have the heart kdramas have. it needed more unfff and pizazz! (lol)

i also noticed this was a korean book written by a non-korean author, and it’s very noticeable.... it did not flow, the korean words and terms and things just seemed thrown in there and their conversations were so choppy. i also listened to the audiobook, and the narrator was slightly making it worse, just... no. how the book was written, especially the dates, it was hard to get into because it was written in text form even though it wasn’t.*

*example: jisu: hey. sorry i’m late.
dave: it’s okay, i already ordered.

anyways—the ending, as i mentioned, was cute and i like that it ended that way, it was a good ending and it’s why i gave it a nice little 3 star rating. i think some readers would enjoy this if you’re looking for a cute, quick, and simple read, i didn’t dislike it too much, i did really like a few of the friendships that were made.