A review by theferalhousewivesbookclub
Keres by Sadie Kincaid


Spice: 4/5
Plot: 3.5/5

So this is gunna surprise some of you, but this was actually my first Sadie Kincaid book…. and I’m just not sure that she’s going to be an author whose work I really enjoy. Maybe it’s just this one book that’s like this, but y’all will have to let me know in the comments…

Now first off… I fucking loved these characters. Loved, loved, loved them! I didn’t have an issue with a single one of them, which is almost unheard of when it comes to me and ‘why choose’ books lol. I always like one guy waaay less than all the others, and surprisingly that wasn’t the case here! I equally adored all three! I especially liked the dynamic that our three morally grey billionaires have together on their own. They are all very much in love but are looking their “perfect fit” of a woman… yes that was cheesy as fuck because it’s literally a cheese fest in the book (which definitely got things bumped down half a star lol.) I even loved Lily! She was feisty and could very much hold her own! I loved them all as individuals, I loved them all together, I loved how their relationships developed, it was beautiful! Plus, I actually really fuckin loved all of the miscommunication that happens and I can see why Britt says this is the exception to her rule on that one. It very much advances the plot and the men totally own it.

Here’s where I have an issue, the writing was kinda terrible. The spicy scenes had the potential to be amazing, but they kept falling flat because of how choppy and short they were. They were still good scenes, they just weren’t nearly as amazing as they could have been. Next up is all of the continuity issues… yikes. I know that won’t bother everyone but it’s something that really affects my reading experience so it was a big turn off over here.

Lastly, why the hell are we throwing in random fuckin characters 60% of the way into this book with zero explanation as to why they’re there or where they came from?! It’s confusing as all fuckin hell and I wasn’t even invested enough to try and figure out what she was actually trying to have happen lol. There was an explanation near the end, as to the “twist” and what went down, but even that didn’t make sense. And if you’re having to go into all this detail to explain the twist, I’m thinking you really didn’t do it right lol.

So to summarize in a more concise way (and thank you Brittany for this lol) - From a technical standpoint, it totally missed the mark and fell flat for me. But, the story/concept/characters were amazing. If I was rating only on feelings it would be a 5/5 but my brain just can’t do that here lol. Take that as you will and I would still recommend this to people, I would simply throw a “but I…” into the recommendation lol.

Now if everyone can please weigh in below and lemme know if Sadie’s other series are the same way or if this one was just off the mark for her, that’d be great lol. Thank you!!

Oh and read the trigger warnings beforehand if you do decide to give this a shot! Lots of