A review by craiglister
All Out War: The Full Story of How Brexit Sank Britain's Political Class by Tim Shipman


In the future, when history students are studying what the hell happened in Britain during the infamous Brexit Referendum, I have no doubt Tim Shipman’s Brexit books will be on the to-read syllabus. This is the most highly detailed and well-sourced recount of what the hell happened during the referendum.

As a Brit, I find this book infuriating. Not because it's wrong or bad because it's neither of those things but because the players representing Remain put their own interests ahead of the nations. You can't deny that if Cameron put country ahead of the party, the Leave campaign would have been less effective. If Corbyn campaigned more instead of doing the bare minimum, it would have swung more Labour Leavers to vote remain. It was a mess and still is. What the decisions that were taken during this time will lead us to I don't know.

If you're interested in British politics and how it works or just want more info on Brexit than I recommend this book to you and its follow-up.