A review by blodeuedd
Fool's Gold by Zana Bell


First, look at that cover! Pretty!

Ok the book then ;) Again, first, yay New Zealand. Why is this a yay? Well honestly cos the last book I read that took place there was also written by Bell, and before that *crickets* Nothing. I love something new, a new setting, something I am not familiar with. The time also helped, since historical NZ sure is different.

But to the book then, we have Lady Gwen, stubborn, a bit reckless, but determined and wont let anyone put her down. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty either. She is not your typical lady either, she grew up around artists and had more freedom.

Then there is Quinn, a doctor, who fled Ireland, he hates the English. He has issues from the war, and the last thing he needs is a stubborn woman.

Now this is not a romance. Yes there is romance, but it's, see I always have this issue. It's not his fic, and not his rom. It's between the two. It's how they meet, become friendly (not too friendly!). Go separate ways, she learns to stand on her own, builds a life. And cos it's a middle thing, then yes at the end we all know they will live happily ever after. But as for romance, nah, no real romance. You need to learn what you want for yourself before you love someone else.

A bit of hardship, a sprinkle of romance, lovely characters and one woman's road to independence.