A review by adriftinaworldofwords
House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas


“‘Yeah,’ Bryce said, ‘the gods know what would happen if all us females were unsupervised. Absolute anarchy. Cities would crumble.’” - Bryce, House of Flame and Shadow, p.431.

Rating: ✨✨✨

The story continues to follow Bryce and the gang while they fight against the Asteri.

I was not a big fan of this story as Crescent City is probably the story I like the least that Sarah J Maas has written (maybe I just need to re-read it?). I enjoyed the story, although it was hard at times to remember whose POV I was reading because they were all intertwined within a chapter most of the time. I loved seeing all of the characters come into their own, especially Ithan and learning more about Jesiba, Lidia and the Princes from Hel. It was cool to see Maas include some aspects from her other series (won’t spoil that I promise). Definitely were some spicy scenes, but there wasn’t a lot and I feel like they didn’t detract from the story.

It was well written, just not completely my cup of tea. I think I will definitely need to re-read all of the Crescent City books in quick succession to have a better understanding of this book.

What I loved:
-Characters: I loved that all the characters grew into their own and the reader was able to get a glimpse into their backgrounds. I loved learning more about Lidia and Jesiba and I loved following Ithan's story arc as he became the person he is supposed to be.
-References to other series: Maas made some references to other series she has written and it was really well done. She kept me guessing if it was an actual reference or if I was making stuff up to try to connect the two series.

What I didn’t love:
-Hard to remember whose POV we are reading from: Maybe it's just because I am a speed reader, but I found it hard to remember whose POV I was reading at times. I found that there were multiple POVs in the same chapter simply because they were all there at the same time. These multiple POVs were happening at slightly different times and although it helped the reader gain insight into the character's minds, it was hard to remember whose POV you were reading because they were not separated by chapters, just by paragraphs.