A review by katreader
The Time Traveler Professor, Book One: Silent Meridian by Elizabeth Crowens


SILENT MERIDIAN by Elizabeth Crowens
The Time Travel Professor Book 1

John Patrick Scott is studying to be a musician in Victorian Scotland, but music is just one part of his life. John has invented a time machine in which he travels back to an unremembered childhood and into the future where he sees himself as a young woman enrolled in a mystical school. In addition to his time travel experiments he has developed a friendship with noted Spiritualist and Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The two devotees of psychic phenomena practice telepathy and perform other psychic experiments, but does Doyle have a less friendly agenda? With an impish spirit guide and some ne’er do well friends John meets noted luminaries of the time including J. M. Barrie, H. G. Wells, and George Bernard Shaw. He even runs into a young Houdini in his travels. Will his experiments lead him to find the connection between his past, present, future and a mysterious red book?

SILENT MERIDIAN is the story of John Patrick Scott. Kind of. It's also a story about arcane knowledge and the ramifications for those that study esoteric mystical things. It's a story of time travel, astral projection, past lives, Spiritualism, and more. It's a story about a mysterious red book. A variety of famous people make appearances, some brief, some an intrinsic part of the story. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a good friend and psychical partner to our main character and a major player in his own right. There are so many famous people thrown in, it's almost a who's who of every literary notable who was alive at the time. While I know that many of them were acquainted with each other and belonged to the same societies, there were so many found in this book that it seemed the author was merely name dropping! Some seemed to have a greater purpose and I thought would play a vital part of the storyline (Erik Weisz and Aleister Crowley), but their importance was never fully actualized.

The first Time Travel Professor book is extraordinarily well researched and I did enjoy reading about the famous Victorians mentioned. As John traveled in time we read very interesting stories about his younger self in the magical school, the adventures of the woman whose eyes he saw things through in the future, and and intriguing Japanese storyline. However, there is such a hodge podge of subplots I continually wondered what was the actual point of the book. Yet, there a mystical theme that ties things together.

Ultimately, SILENT MERIDIAN is a look at self discovery, the importance of life lessons, and what one must give up in order to pursue one's dreams. It looks at morality, appearances, and the risks inherent in pursuing a metaphysical life.

FTC Disclosure – The publisher sent me a copy of this book in the hopes I would review it.