A review by hywar
Frontlines: Requiem: The Graphic Novel by Marko Kloos, Ivan Brandon, Gary Erskine, Yel Zamor


I won a copy of this from a Goodreads Giveaway.

First, let me say the artwork in this graphic novel is pretty good. The line work is clear and the colors are vibrant. The faces seemed a little boring to me - it was hard to read emotion on any of their faces, and it wound up looking like the same drawing pasted onto multiple pages.

The story passed by very quick - I read in it one half hour sitting. It's full of the cliche space travel ideas, which is okay, but not interesting enough to get me hooked into caring about any of the characters or their plight. I know this graphic novel is based off the Frontlines book series, which I unfortunately have never read nor have any knowledge of. This doesn't seem like something you can easily go into blind - I have no idea the backstory of any of the characters or what they're going through, and they aren't addressed enough where I even knew their names. Ultimately, I suppose this would be more enjoyable to someone who has more experience with the series. If this is going to be your first Frontlines book, I would hold off.