A review by fedefiction
Black Mass Rising by Theo Prasidas


3.5 stars rounded up for the stunning art.
This was a very creepy atmospheric read and I truly enjoyed.

Starting with my absolute favorite part: the art. The art style was perfectly suited to the feel of the story. The backgrounds were amazing and the creatures interesting to look at. While the expressions felt a bit stiff at parts, the character design was subtle and I appreciated it a lot.

The story is pretty straightforward. A wondering missionary saves a small village from a devil and finds himself dragged in a larger conflict with the forces of Satan. The plot twist is not obvious, but at the same time, I have to admit, I was not emotionally invested enough to truly be shaken. I could not strongly connect to any of the characters, but I still enjoyed their adventure.
There are two kind-of-romance arcs, and without spoiling, I could appreciate one (the one shown via flashbacks), but the other came out of left field and I had no idea how to react.

The biggest issue this graphic novels suffers from is the pacing. It’s very fast, but to the point we barely have time to get to know the characters. Reading this book felt like sitting on the side of a train track and trying to count how many windows are on a passing train. It went so fast.

Overall I would still recommend giving this graphic novel a read, if only for the stunning art.