A review by jnikolova
Mystical Places by Sarah Baxter


Also available on the WondrousBooks blog.

I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

This is my second Sarah Baxter book, and also the second one I read from the Inspired Traveller's Guide series and I can say that I'm really enjoying myself.

The first selling point for me is the travel aspect. Offer me travel advice and I'm in. But even better, I'm a simple girl, I see a travel book about mysterious places, I click.

Mystical Places delivers, too. It offers a variety of locations all around the world, which have certain legends and a strange, magical aura linked to them. If this is the first review of mine that you're reading, let me tell you, I like everything that is mysterious and eerie, so this book is perfect for me. In fact, I added three locations that are easier for me to visit to my travel list off the bat. I even googled how to get from the city where I live in Poland to Harz mountains - the book got me so inspired.

(Weirdly enough, this was the first time I ever read/heard about Nan Madol in Micronesia, which looks absolutely stunning, but then, as it happens, the day after I read about it was the second time I heard of the place in a completely unrelated article. How about them apples? P.S. I also googled how to get from Poland to Nan Madol, just for fun, and Google could not give me a single proposition. )

The charm of Mystical Places is that it gives a brief but interesting information about exciting and potentially unknown places (well, I've passed by the Old-New Synagogue in Prague on one or two occasions), and it mixes practical tips about accessibility and the normal description of the location with the more out-there-mythological ideas which locals, but not only, have about the place. From the City of Elves in Alfaborg, Iceland, past the gate of Hell in the Alepotrypa cave in Greece, to Gedi, the city of the jinns in Kenya and Malinalco, the seat of the Mexican goddess of magic, you're in for a great adventure!


The art of the book compliments the writing wonderfully - it's simple, but absolutely astonishing and relays the charm and mystery of the place perfectly.


I'm looking forward to the other books in the series, my wanderlusts needs to be fed!