A review by aerofinity
Survival of the Richest: The Tech Elite's Ultimate Exit Strategy by Douglas Rushkoff


The snark is strong with this one! At his best when relaying scathing anecdotes of his latest run in with - insert evil tech billionaire - and lampooning their megalomaniacal mindset and arrogance.

However unfortunately the other 90% of the book is mere pontificating / complaining about the current techno-capitalist mindset with minimal evidence or a better plan for the future. Much of the book is lazily distilled content of better authors such a Zuboff et al(Surveillance Capitalism). Many of its base historical arguments and conclusions are simply completely incorrect. For example, to argue that violent hierarchical patriarchy commenced with the Iron Age is to completely ignore civilisations such as the Sumerians that were just as good at utilitarianism and trampling all over their unfortunate citizenry.

I really wanted to like this book and I share many of the author’s concerns, but sadly this is not the well written polemic I wish it were or that he clearly thinks it is. Almost a DNF but I pushed through for the occasional pearl of interesting content and anecdote.